<bgsound src="http://Knight_and_LadyKaye.tripod.com/M/celebration.mid" loop=infinite>

Tiffany Rose

Beauty of the Earth Festival

rosebudanimated1 C'mon, There's a party goin' on...
A festival to cherish the beauty of earth
Celebrate flora and fauna, sweet life from birth
There true nobility doth abound
Revelries in majesty are oft found
Touching grandeur, in fragile melody of mirth
Delicate violins play delicate sound
Songs of delight, like fingers, touch the soul
Glory that makes all humanity whole.

rosebudanimated1 There's a party goin' on...
Supernal joy lies pearled in sacred hush
Flamboyant colors on terra flowing with revelry
In peaceful moments of creation’s blush
Bloom in gentled wind softly blowing conviviality
Celestial aura’s create in nature’s fragrance rush
In a feral world, ambiance wildly increases
Sprouting from flowered primrose bush
Relax the mind, ease bodily defenses.

rosebudanimated1 There's a party goin' on...
Celebrate life’s vivid ambiance
Coming alive with inspirations rife
Giving wing to sacred reverence...
Cascading glory intense with life
Soul filling excitement's pure circumstance
Borne in nature, this melodious fife
For one shining moment free of strife
Enlivened by plentiful abundance
Shining through mundane, the kiss of life.

rosebudanimated1 There's a party goin' on...
Where nature rises to sense the day chilling
Arising in majestic hue
Mortal hearts sent forth breathlessly trilling
In solemn rapture, esoteric thoughts accrue
From heaven’s arbors distilling...
Abundant beauty of spirit tis nobility
Forever in summer’s glory abounding
Growing in heaven’s gardens of sublimity.

O, that flowers could fill the earth
Absent of prickling thorns and tare
Absent of mighty storms flailing mighty girth
Laying the mightiest oak bare...
To by the very tempest, strengthen greater beauty’s birth
Value hardship's walking bleak valleys there
Cherish in dying earth, frail beauty's dearth
Welcome catalysts to individual, collective worth.

For there's a party called life...goin' on!


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